E.ON appoints Leonhard Birnbaum as new CEO

The Supervisory Board of E.ON SE appointed Leonhard Birnbaum as Chairman of the company’s Board of Management effective April 1, 2021. Birnbaum will thus succeed Johannes Teyssen. Teyssen joined the Group in 1989, has been a member of the Board of Management since 2004, and has led E.ON for more than ten years.
Supervisory Board Chairman Karl-Ludwig Kley said: “The integration of innogy marks the successful completion of E.ON’s major corporate restructuring so far. For the new E.ON, it will be important in the coming years to build on this stable foundation and to further develop the company as a driver of the European energy transition in the digital age for our customers, society, and our investors. The Supervisory Board is convinced that Leonhard Birnbaum is the right person for this task. He has played a key role in shaping the transformation of the energy industry over the past 20 years in various top positions and is regarded as a bridge-builder. He has played a decisive role in shaping the digitalization of the network business and convincingly led the integration of innogy into the new E.ON,” said Kley.
As part of the succession plan for the top of the Group, the Supervisory Board also announced that Victoria Ossadnik, currently Chairwoman of the Board of Management of E.ON Energie Deutschland GmbH, will be appointed to the Board of Management effective April 1, 2021. Ossadnik, who joined the E.ON Group in April 2018, previously spent seven years at Microsoft Corporation, where she most recently led the Group’s global Enterprise Service Data and Artificial Intelligence organization. In the future, she will be responsible for digitization of E.ON Group.