The Financial Supervisory Authority starts the reorganization and modernization program

In the context of the global upward trend in digitalisation and the rapid progress that is taking place in the markets, the Financial Supervisory Authority has launched a program to evaluate and improve activity and align with best practices to ensure that the main objectives are met.
The program addresses issues such as improving IT infrastructure to reduce risks, improving human resource management, and other general proposals for streamlining operations. At the same time, the Financial Supervisory Authority aims at integrating all activities at sector level by exploring the options of unification or centralization of some basic activities within the sectors or their vertical integration.
At the level of the three sectors of financial supervision, a unitary management will be implemented that will allow the elimination of bureaucratic processes and the improvement of communication both between the specialized structures in the sectors and at intersectoral level, especially between the structures with regulatory, authorization and those with supervisory and control tasks.
In this regard, the A.S.F. started the process of making changes in the organizational structure aimed at changing the name of some structures, abolishing some directions, transforming some positions and / or transferring them. At the same time, the Authority aims to increase the quality of A.S.F. staff training, as well as to achieve academic partnerships to attract graduates with very good results in paid internships and then internalize them according to the results of the activity. Following the reorganization and modernization program of its structure, the Financial Supervisory Authority wants to obtain a more flexible, efficient structure.