Romanian energy services company Servelect starts the design phase of a photovoltaic plant for ROMATSA

Servelect, a Romanian energy services company, starts the design stage of a 380 kWp photovoltaic power plant for the Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration – ROMATSA.
The project is co-financed through the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021, through the “Energy Program in Romania” program, with a total value of 769,991 euros (design + execution), 346,500 euros representing the value of the grant.
The first successfully completed stage was the preparation of the feasibility study by Servelect in 2019. Subsequently, the funding application was submitted to Innovation Norway, and in September 2020, the project was approved for funding.
The photovoltaic panels will be installed above the parking space, thus avoiding the heating of vehicles in the hot season and at the same time contributing to the reduction of fuel consumption used by drivers to ensure thermal comfort.
Project objectives:
– Reducing the consumption of energy from conventional sources by approximately 490 MWh / year;
– Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 150 tons of CO2 / year;
– Optimizing energy costs by producing renewable energy for self-consumption;
– Increasing security in electricity supply;
– Increasing the degree of staff involvement in reducing energy consumption and costs.