BCR announces 10,000 donations in 2020 on ‘Bursa Binelui’, the platform dedicated to Romanian NGOs

Bursa Binelui, the first noncommissioned online donation platform dedicated to NGOs in Romania, developed by Banca Comercială Română, in partnership with EuPlătesc.ro, registered donations of 803,710 RON in 2020.
The platform registered, on average, 28 transactions per day, with an average of the donated amount of 81 RON / day, while the most active donor on the platform, in 2020, made 29 donations amounting to 2,900 RON.
Bursa Binelui continued to bring together organizations that needed support to operate during the pandemic, and people responded positively and wanted to invest in the good deeds within their community. Being the first platform of this type that allows donations without commissions, both for the donor and for the organization, Bursa Binelui thus encourages donors who want to support a cause with small amounts (from a minimum of 5 lei to a maximum of 1,000 lei).
“Bursa Binelui continued to be a simple tool during the pandemic and within the reach of those who wanted to help both the projects that supported the health system, but also all the other ones that make a noticeable difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. We are glad that the 687 organizations on the platform have managed to raise 165,000 euros from donors and we are proud to be able to build stronger communities together. We continue to support the platform and encourage everyone to do good deeds, to support the projects on the platform and to transform the communities in our country as we all want,” said Nicoleta Deliu, Head of Corporate Communication & Community Affairs, Banca Comercială Română.
Currently, 687 organizations have accounts on bursabinelui.ro and upload projects for which they ask the community’s support. The top most active counties in the country, from the perspective of donations, are Bucharest, Brăila, Ilfov, Bacău and Neamț, and the projects for which most donations were made are animal protection, COVID-19 pandemic, social, education and environment.
The top organizations that attracted the most donations on the platform last year include World Animal Veterinary Emissaries with 345,437 RON, Școala mamei Junior Association with 139,862 RON, Bucuria Darului Foundation with 54,733 RON and Hai Să Ajutăm with 51,836 RON.
Non-governmental organizations have listed various projects on Bursa Binelui, which address a wide range of issues, from health, environmental protection, protection and support for disadvantaged social groups to animal protection.