Mihai Boldijar, Bosch Romania: “Confidence, trust and resilience should be the package for any leader to navigate through 2021”

“2020 was like a roller coaster for us. But we have managed to navigate it smoothly and it was a better year than we expected. We have managed to have very good results due to our employees engagement. By unleashing the potential of our people, by giving them trust, by cooperating with them, we have enjoyed a good result at the end of the day. It’s all about the people, about building confidence and trust between each other. We have to work as one to navigate such rough seas. We are confident about the results of 2021,” Mihai Boldijar, General Manager at ROBERT BOSCH Romania said during the Leaders Debate within The Diplomat Awards Gala 2021.
“If you are giving people credit, you have to make sure that people know how to handle it. You have to show a different kind of leadership. You have to keep the right balance, it’s all about taking and giving. If you are always among the team, always updated, you know how much are you going to give, and how much are you going to take.
Everybody should know what is the purpose of their work and their contribution to the team and the company they work for. Confidence, trust and resilience should be the package for any leader to navigate through 2021.”