AFEER: “Consumers are free to choose their energy supplier and the right offer at any time of the year”

Continuing the campaign “An informed consumer is a protected consumer”, the Association of Energy Suppliers in Romania – AFEER informs consumers that they can choose the electricity supplier and the offer that suits them best throughout the year, without being subject to a limitation of time. They can choose to keep the supplier, with whom they have already signed a contract, or to change it, regardless of the locality in which they are located.
In the case of those who benefit from the universal service offer, the AFEER members who are their providers come to their aid with price reductions. All electricity bills related to the universal service issued after the publication of ANRE Order no. 5/20 January 2021 will contain the discount assumed publicly by each supplier, provided that the consumer chooses to accept a competitive market offer of this supplier. Thus, the price for universal service will be reduced to the price level in the competitive offer for the period from January 1, 2021. Consumers will also find in future invoices separate information related to the price for universal service and the reduction offered by the company.
“The supply of electricity has several characteristics in addition to the price that customers should take into account. We talk about invoicing, digital platforms, customer relations centers, response time to requests, payment terms, penalties, limitations, etc. That is why it is imperative that the price be one of the criteria of the customers in choosing an offer for electricity and not the defining effect. AFEER members who are also providers of last resort respect their commitments to customers receiving universal service offers and meet them with monthly price reductions applied, at least until the end of June 2021. For those who want to change contracts with some on the competitive market, electricity suppliers AFEER members present an important range of offers containing value-added products and services and the guarantee of fixed prices for certain periods of time clearly mentioned.” says Cristian Culea, member of the Board of Directors of AFEER.
“Before choosing the electricity supplier, carefully analyze the price offer and the conditions associated with the price of electricity supply. Pay attention to the price components, the term and method of payment of the invoice or the method of transmission and retrieval of the meter index, as well as the creditworthiness of the supplier. The transition from universal service to the competitive market or the change in competitive offers does not affect the electricity supply of household consumers in any way. It is good, however, for the client to write down and photograph the index on the day of the change of supplier ”, recommends Ion Lungu, president of AFEER.
All final electricity customers have the right to change their supplier, in compliance with the contractual conditions, within 21 days from the date of request. The responsibility for establishing the index corresponding to the date of change of supplier lies with the electricity distribution operator to which the place of consumption is connected. Distribution operators serve all suppliers indiscriminately and cannot change, regardless of the chosen supplier.
It should be noted that the liberalization of the energy market does not lead to the disconnection of customers. Furthermore, switching from a supplier of last resort (FUI) to another supplier, FUI or competitive supplier, does not involve any additional cost or technical changes, such as changing the electric meter.