Andreia Stanciu, Head of ACCA South-Eastern Europe: “We have found opportunity in adversity during the past year”

“There is no side that fits all. However, during the past year, we have found that there was opportunity in adversity for us and our affiliated members,” Andreia Stanciu, Head of ACCA South-Eastern Europe, said during the fifth edition of Learning & Development Conference organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“Companies shifted their work activities online and according to their feedback, the new work context brought them growth opportunities and increase of earnings. At ACCA, we are very close with Learning & Development departments.
Since 2018, at global level, ACCA conducted a survey called “Learning for the future”, that took into account ACCA members, affiliates and students across the globe. The conclusions found in the report mentioned as main directions: Technology in accounting; The evolving workplace, Flexibility in careers, The growth of self-curated learning and not the least, the question and answers to “Why does growth matter in this profession?”. The pandemic didn’t contradict them buton contrary, exacerbated them. For that, they need a mentor, a coach and this is the purpose of Learning & Development programs.
The workplace is very fast evolving. We found that people were talking about self-curated learning ever since 2018. But for that they need a mentor, a coach and I think this is the role of the L&D function. I think it’s a pivotal function, it’s like a guiding light.”
Find the full event recording also on Youtube event page: