CEZ plants 10,000 sqm of forest in Romania

CEZ Group will plant 10,000 sqm of forest in Romania within the national program “Adopt a tree!”
“For us, spring is synonymous with responsibility for the environment and for future generations. This year, our business partners joined us and adopted 5,000 seedlings that will be planted and cared for by the ViitorPlus team. Through our action, Romania will be richer by 10,000 sqm of forest,” said Ondrej Safar, CEO of CEZ Romania.
“CEZ Group in Romania together with the ViitorPlus Association, through the afforestation program ‘Adopt a Tree!’, will plant an area of 10,000 square meters for the rehabilitation of a plot of land in an area within the company’s area of activity. The afforestation of this area will be done with 5,000 seedlings of forest trees of species that will rehabilitate the degraded soil and improve the quality of the local environment and the living of the communities in the area,” said Andreea Croitoru, Manager ‘Adopt a tree!’.
CEZ Group has taken an active role in maintaining the ecological balance, and the last record was broken in 2019 when 10,000 seedlings were planted in Valcea, Olt, Arges and Gorj counties.