Cristina Chiriac, CONAF: “Gender equality should be at the heart of post-pandemic recovery”

Women are underrepresented in public life and decision-making, as the recent report of the UN Secretary-General shows. Women are heads of state or government in 22 countries and only 24.9% of national parliamentarians are women. At the current rate of progress, gender equality among heads of government will last another 130 years, according to CONAF.
Cristina Chiriac, President of CONAF, said: “I want an equal future in a post-pandemic world! Let’s take a moment to thank the women for their courage, compassion and contribution in this difficult time. I think it is time for gender equality to be at the heart of post-pandemic recovery, and for women to be better represented in leadership: in politics, on company boards. When women lead the way, we see positive results. Some of the most effective and exemplary responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have been led by women. And women, especially young women, are at the forefront of various movements, including online and on the street for social justice, climate change and equality in all parts of the world. CONAF will continue to fight for this cause, relying on the involvement, dedication and professional training of the ladies. “