Prime Minister Citu: “Romania needs to build a flexible economic system”

“We need to build a flexible economic system. In the previous crisis we had a shock because we were not flexible, but if we have a flexible system and things can move from one sector to another, we build a resilient economic sector. You have to let the companies go in the direction they will lose, but also support them when that happens,” Prime Minister Florin Citu said during the “Post-pandemic recovery and the road to a new economy” debate organized by Impetum Group.
“It is the biggest crisis in 100 years. I am glad to see a positive evolution of trust (Confidex) and that managers are putting pressure on the government to support them more. The companies that access these facilities are the ones that I believe will remain afloat after this crisis. And we do not support companies that are unproductive. Without SME Invest, it would have been a disaster in the economy last year.
The goal from the beginning was to keep the economy running. We need investor confidence to continue to finance. Romania has overcome this crisis better than anyone expected. It was a mix of measures that worked, that were not very restrictive and left the economy moving: companies did better, banks came with support for the economy, vaccination encouraged and government measures came in addition.”