CEC Bank enters the open-banking area: mobile banking app allows the viewing of accounts from nine other banks

CEC Bank enters the open-banking field, offering access to accounts from nine other banks and financial institutions in its Mobile Banking application.
“Checking the account balance is the most frequently accessed functionality on Mobile Banking, and on average, an active user checks his account balance 3 times a week. We hope that by opening access to accounts from other banks and financial institutions, we will offer more comfort and speed to customers, who will thus have access to the complete financial statement aggregated from one place: the Mobile Banking application of CEC Bank,” said Mugur Podaru, Director of Remote Operations at CEC Bank.
Currently, CEC Bank allows the connection of accounts from nine other top banks and financial institutions, to view the balance and transactions. The list includes the largest banks in Romania: BT, BCR, Raiffeisen, BRD, Unicredit, ING, Libra Bank, Alpha Bank, but also Revolut.
External accounts can be added directly from the Mobile Banking application of CEC Bank, in three simple steps: from the main menu, access the Accounts / Add accounts from other banks option, select the desired bank and confirm access, using the authentication data set in the relationship with the bank where the account is domiciled. Subsequently, external account balances and transaction lists will be available directly in the Mobile Banking application of CEC Bank, without the need to access and authenticate in other applications. The service is available free of charge.
CEC Bank’s Mobile Banking application recorded a doubling of the number of users and an increase of over 110% in the number of transactions in 2020.