Hidroelectrica takes 1.25 billion RON loan from BRD for wind and solar power projects
BRD Groupe Societe Generale offered Hidroelectrica a loan of 1.25 billion RON for the projects of renewable energy, this being the biggest green loan offered in Romania, according to a press release.
Financing, offered for a period of seven years, has as an object the acquisition of shares and direct investments in operational projects based on energy produced by wind and solar power.
“Hidroelectrica takes into consideration the investment objectives which they assumed with the shareholders through the strategy of the company. Romania has a huge potential of development in the area of renewables, and Hidroelectrica has the will and can draw resources to act firmly in this direction. We want to exploit all opportunities for diversification of the production, keeping at the centre of our values the label of Romanian company 100% green,” said Bogdan Badea, chairman of the Directorate Hidroelectrica.
The strategy for investment and development of the company, aiming at diversification in the domain of renewable energy, the destination of the loan, as well as commitments of the company to file reports with regard to aspects of environment and the characteristics of the projects, all characterised this loan as green.
The financing offered is in line with the Principles for green financing of the Association of the Market for Loans (LMA Green Loan Principles).