Transelectrica invests 75 million Euro in the construction of the 400 kV Cernavoda-Stalpu power line

The construction of the new 400 kV Cernavoda-Stâlpu Overhead Power Line, co-financed from European funds, represents an investment of about 75 million Euro and is implemented by the National Electricity Transmission Company Transelectrica.
“The development of the country’s energy infrastructure is one of the Government’s priorities, and such investments contribute fundamentally to the speedy re-entry of the Romanian economy, after the impact of the pandemic. I am glad to note that investments in the development of the electricity transmission network involve economic and social mechanisms, from jobs created, Romanian manufacturing materials used, to creating favorable conditions for new investors by strengthening the energy system and increasing the capacity to integrate energy production. energy from renewable sources “, said Tiberiu Horațiu Gorun, Secretary General of the Government, on the occasion of the visit on the 400 kV OHL site Cernavodă-Stâlpu.
“The construction project of the 400 kV Cernavoda-Stâlpu Overhead Power Line had an alert pace from the beginning, even if it is started and carried out during the pandemic, and this is primarily due to the professionalism and involvement shown by Transelectrica specialists and teams the contractor carrying out the work. Increasing the capacity to integrate renewable energy in the electricity transmission network is one of the main axes of our development plan, and the line’s contribution to achieving this goal is very important “, said Cătălin Nițu, President of CNTEE Transelectrica SA.
The project is part of the North-South Interconnection East Electricity Corridor in Central and South Europe and aims to strengthen the cross-section between the west coast of the Black Sea and the rest of the European system. , contributing at the same time to the strengthening of the electricity transmission network in Romania, to the increase of the interconnection capacity between Romania and Bulgaria and to the integration of the wind energy produced in the Dobrogea area.
The investment includes 4 subsequent projects:construction of the new 400 kV overhead power line and the connection in Gura Ialomiței Station; extension of the Cernavoda Transformation Power Station and connection of the new line; construction of the 400 kV Stâlpu Station; extension of the Gura Ialomiței Power Station with two 400 kV cells.
The complete project, including the four subsequent projects mentioned above, has an implementation deadline of May 2022.