Metropolitan Life appoints Cosmin Vlad as COO of the life insurance company in Romania

Metropolitan Life announces the appointment of Cosmin Vlad as Chief Operating Officer of the life insurance company in Romania, starting June 1, 2021. Cosmin Vlad will take over this position from Mihai Coca-Cozma, who headed the Operations Department of the life insurance company in the last four years.
“I accept this challenge with enthusiasm and optimism. I am proud to take over the responsibilities of Metropolitan Life’s Operations Department, along with a team I fully trust. In this new role I will have the mission to build further, scalable, towards the future of Metropolitan operations. Life in Romania. In a context as dynamic as the current one, marked by unforeseen events and opportunities alike, I look at this mission with a lot of energy and the desire to bring value and meaning in everything we do for our clients and company”, says Cosmin Vlad, Director of Operations at Metropolitan Life Romania.
With 14 years of experience in the field of life insurance and private pensions, Cosmin Vlad joined the Metropolitan Life team in 2015. He is an Associate of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries UK and has graduated from the Young Leaders program of the Aspen Institute.
Metropolitan Life has registered in 2020 an increase of 14.4% of the gross written premiums, compared to 2019, occupying the second place in the ranking of the largest life insurance companies in Romania. In 2020, Metropolitan Life has registered gross written premiums amounting to 415 million RON, compared to the same period in 2019.