Adela Lazar, President, GreenPoint Management: “Sustainability must play a very important role for all companies”

“We are a supporter of circular economy in all our activities. We have implemented an ethical, sustainable business model with which to gain the trust of companies to hand us over their responsibility for waste management. For the third consecutive year, GreenPoint is the only OIREP to launch a sustainability report without having a legal obligation to do so. That says a lot about the way we do business,” Adela Lazar, President, GreenPoint Management said during Sustainability in Business Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“We have a presence in all 41 counties and Bucharest. We come to the aid of the mayors to recover as many packaging that reach the public collection system. Sustainability is very important and the one that allowed us to become leaders in the field in which we operate. Sustainability must play a very important role for all companies, regardless of the field in which they operate, whether they are companies that produce waste or companies that provide services.
I also noticed that the big banks put more emphasis on sustainability, when analysing the activity of a company that wants a loan or to obtain financing. We are waiting for the implementation of single use plastic initiatives that will prohibit the use of disposable plastic with small exceptions. Large waste generators have understood the need to reduce plastic consumption and use materials that can be reused or recycled.
We are convinced that Romania cannot recover a sufficient amount of packaging, of products that reach the municipal collection flow. We are waiting for the implementation of the deposit-refund system for packaging. Everyone’s behaviour must be as responsible as possible to become a more sustainable society for future generations.”
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