Constantin Toma, Mayor of Buzau: “We are the only city in Romania with a strategy regarding circular economy”

“Buzau is a small city, but it aims for greatness. We are on the 18th place as population and on the 24th place as surface. We are trying to differentiate ourselves. Since 2017, we have had a city development council in which we start from the idea that the development of a community consists in the creation and permanent improvement of the economic, educational, social and cultural development capacity,” Constantin Toma, Mayor of Buzau said during Sustainability in Business Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“We created 4 commissions on economy, education, social and culture. We have a vision of developing the city until 2030, so that Buzau becomes one of the most important cities in Romania. We have 72 objectives divided into 4 categories. We want Buzau to become the national centre of the circular economy. We are the only city in Romania with a strategy regarding the circular economy. We created the first circular school in Romania and in the EU. There we don’t just learn about waste. We produce electricity with the help of solar panels. The interior and exterior lighting is based on LED and is environmentally friendly. We must use the European directives and develop them, do more for the community than we are recommended to do. We also need to create a textbook for circular education, so that children are raised with a circular economy-oriented thinking.
Through the integrated development strategy in Buzau, we have created projects that will ensure our sustainability as a city.”
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