PeliPartners law firm relocates to Charles de Gaulle Plaza

As of July 1, 2021, the PeliPartners law firm is relocating to a new location on the 13th floor of the Charles de Gaulle Plaza building.
“It is a natural step forward that reflects the continuous consolidation of our company, including in a period full of challenges and unknowns. In the last year we have been with our partners every day and we have been involved in a series of projects meant to be cornerstones for the economic recovery of Romania, in all areas of expertise of PeliPartners. Starting with July 2021, we will be in a place that will help us strengthen the current partnerships and open the way to new collaborations”, says Francisc Peli, Managing Partner la PeliPartners.
PeliPartners lawyers have been involved in some of the most important transactions on the Romanian market in the last 20 years. The team gathers a wide experience in a variety of fields, including mergers and acquisitions, financing, competition, infrastructure and concessions, energy, real estate and commercial.