Electrica has published its sustainability report for 2020

Electrica Group has published its fifth Sustainability Report for 2020, strengthening its commitment to the community, investors, and the local market in a difficult period, which has been marked by uncertainty and the impact of the pandemic on the economic and social environment.
“Transparency and increasing environmental, social and governance performance represent not only natural expectations from stakeholders, but also clear objectives of the Electrica Group. We recognize the importance and long-term value associated with good performance in the field of sustainability, both for shareholders and for society, and we are constantly working to identify new opportunities to improve it. Furthermore, we aim to have a positive social impact for all those involved in the company’s value chain, to change for the better the lives of millions of people, through sustained involvement in the communities in which we operate,” said Corina Popescu, CEO Electrica.
The 2020 report was prepared following an extensive consultation process, involving stakeholders: suppliers, contractors, consultants, companies with the same object of activity, customers, regulators, NGOs and associations, financial analysts. , educational institutions, local authorities, and the media.
One of the pillars of the Romanian economy, Electrica paid, in 2020, contributions amounting to 1.232 billion RON to state and local budgets. Electrica has remained one of the strongest Romanian brands, a reliable partner – with over 3.8 million users, one of the most important employers – with over 8100 employees.
In line with the Group’s strategy, sustainability remains at the heart of the business concept, protecting biodiversity and reducing the harmful effects of its activities or assets on it is a priority. Thus, last year Electrica made investments worth 3 million RON in the field of biodiversity protection and 14.36 million RON in the field of environmental protection. In 2020, of the total waste collected at Group level, 61% was recovered by recycling.
Leader in the top of the main employers in the energy field, with a team of over 8,100 employees, the Electrica Group wants to maintain a gender balance in the staff structure, but this share is also influenced by the profile of the Group’s activities. Thus, in 2020, a percentage of 23.5% of the total number of employees of the Group was represented by women, the share being higher, of 32.2%, regarding the presence of women in the management structure of the Group.
As the energy sector is facing an increase in the average age of employees, in order to ensure continuity of activity in the operational area at an optimal level of professionalism, the distribution operators within the Electrica Group continued to support several professional classes in dual education system.
The group has also made significant progress in reducing energy consumption by modernizing managed facilities, promoting smart grids and energy-efficient solutions, and encouraging the production of energy from renewable sources. In 2020, Electrica managed to comply with its ambitious investment plan, of over 600 million RON for the modernization of the distribution infrastructure, with results in terms of network performance.