BestJobs lists its first bonds on Bucharest Stock Exchange on July 28

Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) announces that on July 28, BestJobs bonds will start trading on the Multilateral Trading System (MTS). BestJobs is one of the most important online recruitment platforms in Romania. The bonds worth more than three million Euro will be traded under the ticker JOBS26E.
The company carried out a private placement for bonds between May 6 and May 17, 2021. The company issued 6,742 bonds, with a nominal value of EUR 500 and an interest rate of 5.8%, with the maturity date on May 20, 2026. During the investment, 106 investors subscribed, out of which 14 were qualified and 92 retail investors. The company thus attracted EUR 3,37mn from the capital market investors. The private placement and the listing were made with the support of TradeVille.