ENGIE invests 2 million RON in the creation of two dual education classes in Galati and Bucharest

ENGIE Romania forms two new vocational education classes in dual system, in Bucharest and Galati, in the school year 2021-2022. 50 young people were selected, for the qualification of which ENGIE Romania invests 2 million RON. The dual vocational education program, “Energy for my job”, is carried out in partnership with the “Mihai Bravu” Technical College in Bucharest and the “Anghel Saligny” Technological High School in Galati and with the support of the Hands Across Romania association.
“We are glad that we managed to capture the interest of students for our program and to ensure the competitive environment at the level of other years, two students on the spot,” said Cezar Barladeanu. Training, Development & Dual Education Manager ENGIE Romania.
ENGIE Romania launched the first edition of the dual education vocational education program, “Energy for my job”, in 2018, preparing 115 students, from Bucharest and Brasov, to obtain the qualification of installer of technical-sanitary and gas installations. At the end of this school year, the first generation of students, from Bucharest, finished their studies, obtaining the certification of installer of technical-sanitary and gas installations, and 54 of the 55 graduates accepted the company’s offer to work in the two branches, Distrigaz Sud Networks and ENGIE Services.
For the qualification of young people and the endowment of practice workshops, ENGIE has so far invested 7,850,000 RON.