will take over the Packeta name and increase the local investment budget by 50 percent

The fast development on the Romanian market accelerates the rebranding of, an expert in shipping and delivering parcels. This autumn, the company takes over the name Packeta, the international group of which it is part of and which has the largest network of pick-up points in Central and Eastern Europe (over 7,200 pick-up points), thus consolidating its leader position in the market of pick-up points delivery services and Cross Border deliveries. At the same time, the company increases by at least 50 percent the local investment budget, thus supplementing to 3 million euro the value of investments allocated in 2021 for the Romanian market.
“Changing of the brand name came as a natural step, following the accelerated evolution registered by Coletă in the last years. Customers will recognize us quickly and clearly when shopping at any online store around the world. At the same time, a single brand, Packeta, will allow us to take advantage of the synergistic effect of marketing cooperation with other countries”, says Alexandr Jeleascov, CEO of, mentioning that, in 2020, Coletă registered a turnover of 4.5 million euro, in the first quarter of 2021 already exceeding the threshold of 40 percent compared to last year’s turnover.
The completion of the rebranding process also aims at aligning the services provided in all the countries where the company is present, which will be done gradually, considering the socio-economic development factors of each country.