Transgaz starts the TransGasDigital project, aims to improve digital knowledge of its employees
Transgaz is implementing the project TransGasDigital, starting with July 28, 2021, for a period of 18 months.
The overall scope of the project is to improve the digital knowledge and skills of the company’s employees by attending specialized training courses where they will acquire basic and advanced skills in the field of information technology.
The overall scope of the project, established according to the objective POCU AP 3 / PI 10iii / OS 3.12 “Improving the knowledge / skills / abilities related to the employees’ economic sectors / areas identified according to the National Strategy for Competitivity and the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation”, supports the training of the company’s employees in order for them to be able to fulfil their professional tasks more effectively by using digital applications specific to their activity. The project will ensure specialized professional training for 180 participants, representing a target group of 132 employees of the company, some of them benefiting from several types of courses within the project.
The knowledge acquired as a result of graduating the courses will generate long-term positive effects: both at the level of the employees who will improve their digital skills (basic or advanced), and at the company level by increasing Transgaz’ competitiveness and flexibility. The development of digital skills facilitates innovation and creates the right premises and framework for technological progress, an important vector in adapting Transgaz’ capacity to the dynamics of the energy sector, a sector with competitive potential according to the NCS.
The total eligible value of the project is 2,294,922.54 RON, of which the grant value is 1,147,461.25 RON.
The project implementation began on 28.07.2021 and will end on 27.12.2022.
The project is co-financed under the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Human Capital Operational Program 2014 – 2020 (POCU).