Nuclearelectrica takes over the concession license of the exploitation activity in the perimeter of Tulghes – Grinties

Nuclearelectrica announces that it signed the additional act for taking over the concession license of the Tulghes-Grinties exploitation activity, based on the Order of the National Agency for Mineral Resources regarding the approval of the transfer of rights and obligations established by the concession license of the uranium ore mining activity from the Tulghes-Grinties perimeter, Neamt County, published in the Official Gazette of Romania.
The transfer to SNN of the concession license of the exploitation activity in the perimeter of Tulghes – Grinties together with all the related rights and obligations was made free of charge.
In the immediate post-transfer period, SNN will perform a complex analysis of the optimal ways to use the license, respectively the resources, in order to identify and implement the most advantageous method of capitalizing on this license.
The takeover of the concession license of the Tulghes-Grinties perimeter, corroborated with the takeover of some assets of CNU Feldioara branch, considers, according to SNN shareholders’ decisions, the consolidation of the integrated nuclear fuel cycle and the creation of premises for the development of the internal supply chain for the competitive advantage of Romania and SNN.