Transelectrica begins work on the Gutinas-Smardan overhead power line project

Transelectrica announced the start of works for the Gutinas-Smardan 400 kV OHL project. The main objective is to increase the capacity of the National Energy System to take over energy produced from renewable resources in the Dobrogea area and transport it to consumption centers in the rest of the country, having the effect of significantly increasing the security of electricity supply in the region.
The project is included in the National Plan for the Development of the Electric Transmission Network for the period 2020-2029 and in the company’s investment program. The total value of the contract is approximately 248 million RON, and the project will be completed within 24 months.
The new Gutinas – Smardan line will have a length of 140 km and will cross 26 territorial administrative units from Bacău, Vrancea and Galați counties.
The 400 kV d.c. OHL project Gutinas – Smardan contributes to the development of the electric transmission network (RET) in the northeastern part of the country, as well as to the completion of the 400 kV Ring of Romania. The objective is included in the list of projects of common interest at European level and will ensure the consolidation of the Electricity Transmission Corridor along the Black Sea coast (Ukraine – Romania – Bulgaria), also part of the European Priority Corridor North-South Interconnections on electricity in Central and South-Eastern Europe, for the completion of the European internal energy market and for the integration of production from renewable sources.
The national electricity transmission network requires significant investments to ensure its modernization and flexibility in the context of the energy transition. Transelectrica, as the national transmission and system operator (TSO), focuses its efforts on supporting and carrying out strategic energy infrastructure projects and accessing the funds needed to finance these investments. The 400 kV d.c. OHL project Gutinas-Smardan is on the list of the 20 strategic projects that CNTEE Transelectrica SA will manage with priority in the next period.