Evacuation of Romanians from Kabul is underway, says PM Citu

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Wednesday that the evacuation of Romanian nationals from Kabul, Afghanistan, is underway, adding that, according to intel he has, the Romanian Air Force aircraft will take over other nationals from Afghanistan as well.
“The situation is ongoing, I spoke with General Ciuca, who attended the National Political Bureau (BPN) meeting, it is in progress; we will very soon have information about when the Romanian nationals return home. (…) I have used all the opportunities since the very beginning; I discussed with NATO, there was also a NATO aircraft that took over citizens, we had our aircraft there, all the opportunities that we had were used to bring the Romanians home as soon as possible,” Citu said on Wednesday after a meeting of the PNL BPN (National Liberal Party’s National Political Bureau).
The prime minister also said that, according to intel he has, the Romanian Air Force aircraft will take over other citizens from Afghanistan as well.
Via Agerpres