TeraPlast shares will be included in FTSE indices dedicated to Emerging Markets

The inclusion of TeraPlast, the leader of the PVC pipe market and one of the most important players on the Romanian installations market, in FTSE Global Equity Index Series was decided by the global index provider following the half-yearly review, announced on August 20. The company will be part of the index starting with September 20th.
“FTSE’s decision regarding the inclusion of OMV Petrom in the All-Cap indices and, at the same time, TeraPlast’s upgrade from FTSE Global Micro-Cap index to FTSE Global All-Cap index validates the potential of the Romanian capital market and its dynamism. In just one year, Romania’s presence in FTSE Russell indices has increased from three to five companies and we are glad that we are present with as diverse fields as possible, from energy and financial, to IT, because we present a relevant picture to global investors in regarding the offer of companies in which they can invest on BVB. This offer continues to diversify and grows by listing new companies at BVB, and 2021 is the best year in the last 22 in terms of the number of new companies coming to market, either with shares or bonds,” stated Radu Hanga, Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) President.
TeraPlast was listed on July 2, 2008, and at the end of Friday’s trading session had a capitalization of RON 1.7bn (EUR 352.2mn).
“The inclusion of TeraPlast in the FTSE Rusell indexes validates us as an important player on the Romanian economic landscape and especially as a relevant issuer on the capital market. It is another confirmation of our last 12 months’ performance, materialized in the almost 3-fold increase of TeraPlast share price on the stock exchange, together with the distribution of substantial dividend, which made the title very attractive. We have managed to meet the demanding liquidity criteria, specific to FTSE Russell, such as appreciable maintained volumes for a long period of time. Our investors have, beyond our solid results, a confirmation that they have invested in an important issuer, with consistent free-float. From now on, TeraPlast remains on the grid of the largest international investors, which means even more attractiveness and potential added-value. Beyond the effects on TeraPlast, there is an added visibility of the Romanian capital market in the international landscape. As part of our development strategy, we shall continue to deliver performance that will be reflected in both the stock price and the investors’ benefits,” said Alexandru Stanean, TeraPlast CEO.