Brasov, the capital of Romanian tourism and winter sports

The expansion of the ski area, the opening of the airport and the diversification of cultural life can make Brasov the capital of winter sports and Romanian tourism. This is the conclusion of the participants in the public debate “Romanian Tourism: Between impasse and opportunity”, organized by the National Confederation for Women Entrepreneurship (CONAF), the Alliance for Tourism (APT) and the Brasov Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIBV).
Present at the discussions, the President of the Brasov County Council, Adrian Vestea, said: “I consider that the subject is of great interest and requires a continuous, constant and efficient dialogue between tourism decision makers, local public administration authorities and central administration, which together they can contribute to stimulating the development of tourism in Romania and to its repositioning as a pillar of sustainable economic growth. Brasov County has been Romania’s main tourist destination for the past four years and continues to maintain its leading position, despite the difficult economic conditions caused by the pandemic. ” He spoke about the opportunity that Brasov has with the opening of the airport, which will facilitate the access of Romanian or foreign tourists, as well as about the improvement of the infrastructure – alternative road to / from Brasov on Doftanei Valley – which aims to increase the tourist employment of the county. throughout the year. “In order to fulfill our goal, in addition to the active involvement of the county administration in everything that means supporting tourism activities, concrete measures are needed at the central level to determine the relaunch of tourism after the pandemic period,” concluded the President of Brasov County Council.
In his turn, the Mayor of Brasov, Allen Coliban, declared: “The expansion of the ski area and the promotion of diversified cultural events will make Brasov an important tourist center. We also rely on education in tourism – at the level of Brasov it translates into the development of dual education, hotel school and university – which develops specialized staff to work in tourism ”. The mayor of Brasov also spoke about innovation and digitalization that will contribute to the transformation of Brasov into an important tourist hub in the Center area. “Among the objectives considered by the City Hall, I can list the Brasov Natural Park for an eco-friendly, sustainable tourism, the renovation of the Old Center and heritage buildings as well as investments in promotion, culture and skiing,” said Allen Coliban.
Along with the local public authorities, representatives of the Brasov Chamber of Commerce and Industry, recognized employers’ organizations in the field, the debate was also attended by representatives of the business environment, entrepreneurs engaged in tourism who support the need for active involvement in this sector. stable growth and sustainable economic development.
The moderators of the event were: Cristina Chiriac, President of CONAF and Andreea Negru, President of the Association for the Development of Local Entrepreneurship, and as organizer and speaker was present Dragos Anastasiu, President of the Alliance for Tourism. The following spoke as speakers: Silviu Costea, President of the Brasov Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Adrian Vestea, President of the Brasov County Council, Mihai Văsii, Prefect – Institution of the Prefect Brasov County, Allen Coliban, Mayor of Brasov, Eleonora Ion, Member of CONAF Brasov, Călin Ile, President of the Romanian Hotel Industry Federation, Stefan Țînț, administrator of Teleferic Grand Hotel, Roxana Cojocea, President of the Poiana Brasov Tourism Association, Daniela Mariscu, Founder of Aquatica Experience, Lucian Marinescu, Member of Board of Directors of the Intercontinental Romania Hotel Company / Premiere Hospitality.
The project “Romanian tourism: Between stalemate and opportunity” will continue on September 29 in Vâlcea, in October in Suceava, in November in Cluj and Bucharest. The approach comes in support of tourism operators and related services, in order to identify solutions to the problems they face and in order to position Romanian tourism on the axis of sustainable development. The National Confederation for Women Entrepreneurship points out that it initiated this national project in the context in which tourism, severely hit by the coronavirus crisis, is looking for solutions to return to normalcy.