Corina Popescu, Electrica: “All national strategies can be successful only with a very large investment effort”

“In this 2020-2030 electricity decade, decarbonization ambitions are growing. The green course was established at European level by launching the Green Deal program. But it seems we want more than that. In July, the new Fit for 55 package was launched, which is even more ambitious. The e-mobility part is just one of the directions that can help us reach our goals,” Corina Popescu, CEO Electrica, said during eMobility Forum 2021 organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“For the energy business, electric mobility is a consumer and any consumer must be at the heart of our business. We must do everything we can to make that consumer satisfied.
The consumer begins to play an active role in the safety and operation of the system. The e-mobility part can contribute to the balance of energy systems.
All national strategies and plans can be successful only with a very large investment effort.
For the sustainable development of networks we need to know the direction, how we want to make them efficient. In the end, it is a cycle, and all costs and all investments return to final consumers. For a successful implementation, in order to be prepared, we should know how much we want to change and where we want to make those changes so that distribution networks can meet these challenges of e-mobility.
We need to access European funds so that these investments are feasible and we do not increase costs for consumers. We must see what Romania’s ambitions are on the e-mobility side, we must have a national strategy and see how we can each make a contribution to the development of this sector. We need a clear framework of taxonomy, to know what the possibilities are and how the Romanian state wants to support this segment. We should also have a secondary regulatory framework. This type of consumption can contribute to balancing the energy system. Given that we invest a lot in renewables and close polluting plants, we must focus on those consumers who can achieve this balance at a certain cost.”
Full recording of the event here: