Dana Voicu, Ministry of Transport: “Romania is determined to eliminate emissions from all vehicles by 2050”
“Romania is firmly determined to be an active part of achieving European ambitions in terms of the Green Deal. Romania is determined to be actively involved in eliminating emissions from new vehicles by 2035. Subsequently, we want to eliminate emissions from all vehicles by 2050,” Dana Voicu, Personal Adviser to Deputy Minister, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, said during e-Mobility Forum 2021 organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“The problem of e-mobility is taken seriously at the Ministry of Transport. We can issue guidelines, some minimum standards. At the ministry level, we managed to combine ITS with green energy. Through PNRR, all parking lots on highways must have charging stations. All new or modernized road projects must contain charging stations for electric vehicles, as well as the ITS component. Our role is to make the lives of citizens as easy as possible through our policies.
Our responsibility at the Ministry of Transport on the e-mobility side is to try to consume as little, as efficiently and as green as possible. We can think of mechanisms to reduce consumption by making mobility more efficient without consuming too much energy.
My colleagues are working on the metropolitan train project in Bucharest and Ilfov. We want this train to run completely electrically, and where this is not possible the train to use hydrogen technology. There will be 17 metropolitan train routes after the completion of the project.”
Full recording of the event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY8U4Ak0f2U&t=5616s