Razvan Encica, Phoenix Contact: “With a clear strategy, we can have a smart expansion of the charging infrastructure for electric cars”

“When we talk about electric mobility, we must look not only at the charging infrastructure, but also at the distribution network and energy production. If we do not use green energy, electromobility is not relevant. The energy used to charge electric cars must be green. The energy used by electric car manufacturers must be green. The energy for producing the batteries must be green. The battery components must also be green,” Razvan Encica, Managing Director, Phoenix Contact, said during e-Mobility Forum 2021 organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“Rare and expensive materials must be gradually removed from the batteries of electric cars. There must also be an education in the sense of purchasing zero or low emission vehicles.
We need to do digitization, electrification and automation in all sectors: energy production, energy transport, energy distribution and energy use.
In addition to the often mentioned challenges such as the range of electric cars or charging infrastructure, we must think of another problem. Charging stations are connected to the internet and, as the number of electric cars grows, we must also consider the challenges of cybersecurity.
With a clear strategy, we can have a smart expansion of the charging infrastructure for electric cars. We can use new carbon free technologies. We need to create new solutions that we can integrate into the infrastructure for electric cars.
Electric cars are here to stay. There is a very good chance that hydrogen technology will also become more attractive. The semiconductor crisis has boosted the sale of electric cars. Electric car manufacturers will set the pace for the development of infrastructure and related services for electromobility. The technology exists, but the authorities must see the big picture and develop a strategy that will favor the development of the mobility of the future.”
Full recording of the event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY8U4Ak0f2U&t=5616s