Vlad Gheorghe, Horvath: “A strategy is mandatory to facilitate the e-mobility development”

“At the moment we are in a race to 1 percent. What does this mean? The share of electric vehicles in the total number of vehicles in the EU is 0.5 percent. This is the stage we are in now. For example, Germany has a clear strategy and a target of one million electric cars by 2022,” Vlad Gheorghe, Principal, Horvath, said during e-Mobility Forum 2021 organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“A strategy is mandatory to facilitate the development of a market from the perspective of electric mobility. In Romania, the share of electric cars is 0.1% of the total. In Romania there were about 5,500 electric cars in 2020.
The problems that prevent the purchase of electric cars are costs, range anxiety, but also the price of energy.
We have prepared some examples of good practices that have worked for our clients in Germany. All refer to range management for electric cars. There are products made by utility companies in Germany.
An example is from Munich, and there a wallbox works as follows: the utility company signs an exclusive contract with the building developer. When the first customer wants to have a wallbox, the utility company develops all the necessary infrastructure for that building and connects the first customer. Then, the company also has the exclusivity to connect the next clients from that residential complex. Such an investment pays off in 4-5 years.”
Full recording of the event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY8U4Ak0f2U&t=5616s