The gas supply of the Black Sea – a huge opportunity for Romania, however, limited

Romania is now facing a unique historical opportunity, which, in order to be capitalized, it needs decisional firmness and strategic courage. We are talking about the gas we have in the Black Sea, but which are currently blocked by an unfair law and not assumed by the authorities, thus keeping tens of billions of euros away from the country’s economy.
The investments in natural gas production can have a strong impact on Romania’s long-term sustainable economic development, through tens of thousands of supported jobs, by increasing revenues to the state budget, by contributing to reducing the current account deficit, by creating business opportunities for related industries and services, by increasing the attractiveness for investors, but also by strengthening cooperation with the states in the region.
So we are talking about a strategic relevance and an important card that must be played, but smart and fast, because the window of opportunity is limited. However, this book is on the table of the state, the only one able to decide what the energetic future of the country and of the Romanians will look like.
The implementation of coherent public policies and the adoption of a stable and predictable legislative and regulatory framework therefore remain crucial for the development and stability of the energy sector. However, experts say that, unfortunately, at the moment the decision makers still do not know what Romania should look like from an energy point of view and that is why the various blockages appear.
MPs acknowledge that the exploitation of Black Sea gas is vital for Romania and that it is a shame that we cannot use national resources, but they seem optimistic and say that by the end of the year the Offshore Law could have a fair form for all parties. With one condition: that there be political will.
Members of the Government are also willing to get involved in unblocking the Black Sea project.
However, the optimism and openness shown by the state authorities are questioned by industry representatives, who say that there is a great contradiction between well-intentioned statements and their deeds, which we must get rid of before it is too late.
In addition, in the context in which the Black Sea gases, which we have in considerable quantities, are the only fuel for the transition to green energy, the Green Deal does nothing but emphasize the need to speed up their exploitation. Otherwise, the blockage could lead to a number of vulnerabilities, experts warn us.
Above all, it must be understood that through the potential of the Black Sea subsoil and deep onshore resources, Romania can provide the necessary natural gas for domestic consumption, while moving from importer status to exporter, thus becoming a supplier. energy security in the region. Therefore, energy experts say that gas is an element without which we can not cope in the “New Economy”.