Yugo Neumorni, CIO Council: “5G will enable local area networks to expand in an aggressive, positive way”

“We are living in a revolution called Industry 4.0. The society and the companies are migrating in a very accelerated way towards this digital transformation. One of the enablers for this accelerated transformation is the 5G and the communications in general. 5G is completely different. This technology is going to change dramatically the way we are doing business in the future,” Yugo Neumorni, President CIO Council (Conference Moderator) said during Digital Transformation Conference in Telecommunications.
“Basically, the 5G will enable local area networks to expand in an aggressive way, positive way of course, which means we can deliver services anytime anywhere to our customers. The entire internet will become a very large local area network. It will take some time but 5G is ultimately a great enabler for smart cities technologies, IoT. This comes with a cost, of course. We are talking about cybersecurity risks, this ‘cyber danger‘ which now is an important subject on the companies‘ agenda.
Romania has a very healthy and solid telecommunications system. It is a mature market, to the advantage of the final consumer. We are a country with one of the best telecommunications systems in the world.”
Full recording of the event here