INTERVIEW Valer Hancas, Kaufland Romania: “We will equip each newly opened store with an EV charging station”

“For Kaufland, being sustainable is a top priority, thus the decision to invest in solutions that contribute to a cleaner and more balanced environment and support the eco-driving. In less than a year, we built the first public network of charging stations in Romania, which practically connected Western Romania from Arad to the South-East to Constanta,“ Valer Hancas, Director of Communication and Corporate Affairs Kaufland Romania told The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“Basically, we are the pioneers who launched this challenge in Romania. We have set out to connect the whole of Romania by installing electric car charging stations in the parking lots of our shops across the country.“
How do you see the evolution of the retail sector from the mobility of the future perspective?
We clearly witness a change of perspective, in line with the consumers increasing appetence for sustainable alternatives and the overall efforts towards a cleaner and healthier environment.
How should a retailer react to the trend of e-mobility? What is your company’s approach towards e-mobility?
For Kaufland, being sustainable is a top priority, thus the decision to invest in solutions that contribute to a cleaner and more balanced environment and support the eco-driving. In less than a year, we built the first public network of charging stations in Romania, which practically connected Western Romania from Arad to the South-East to Constanta. Basically, we are the pioneers who launched this challenge in Romania. We have set out to connect the whole of Romania by installing electric car charging stations in the parking lots of our shops across the country.
In addition, considering the worldwide trend of increasing demand for this type of stations, Kaufland wants to be close to its customers, to provide them with all the conditions to use electric cars, by developing its own network of charging stations. Our strategy includes supporting and developing the network of charging stations, with a view to reducing CO2 emissions by facilitating and encouraging the use of electric cars.
What are your most important ongoing e-mobility projects?
The first Kaufland charging stations were implemented together with Renovatio and we are really happy with the results and the whole partnership. Our next strategy is to expand our network country wise, taking also into consideration other charging station providers.
In addition, we have been Kaufland e-Rally team supporters since 2018. It was when we sent an electric car to compete in a national rally championship for the first time in history, out of a desire to support zero-emission mobility and promote environmental care. The VW Golf GTI is driven by Sorin Ghisoi – multiple national rally champion. In order to comply with the technical standards imposed by the FRAS-sponsored competition, the vehicle has undergone a transformation process.
Moreover, we donated electric cars to the main NGOs we collaborate with.
What are your plans for developing Kaufland Romania’s EV charging network in 2022?
We are currently working on the development of the strategy for the next years and we are looking for the best and the most sustainable implementation solutions. We will, of course, continue to develop the network in all the existing locations, while equipping each newly opened store with an EV charging station.
What are the challenges for Kaufland Romania from this e-mobility perspective?
Probably the biggest challenge, from the implementation point of view, is the development and extension of the infrastructure for the electricity supply to the stations. The management of the situation in terms of covering the electricity needs is also an important aspect. And besides these points, another challenge is to constantly adapt to the dynamic situation, in terms of technological developments and the applicable legal framework, in order to facilitate the development of the EV charging station networks.