COVID-19 vaccination and workplace flexibility drove travel resumption: Deloitte

The positive evolution of the vaccination rates around the world and the flexibility to work remotely contributed to the resumption of travel, so the number of tourists who flew and stayed at the hotel increased by 50 percent in the last part of 2021 compared to the previous year, according to Deloitte 2021 Holiday Travel Survey. Those who have the possibility to work remotely are more willing to travel for longer periods and to increase their budgets over 2019 compared with those who plan to completely disconnect from work while travelling. Also, 75 percent of those who plan to work during their trip are adding at least a day to their holiday.
As far as the budget for staying in paid lodging is concerned, almost 60 percent of the participants to the Deloitte study say they will spend about the same on travel as they did two years ago, and 21 percent will spend significantly more.
Most participants in the study embrace COVID-19 transmission mitigation measures, 64 percent being more likely to book a flight if masking is mandatory, and 58 percent, if proof of vaccination is required.
“People’s desire to travel has come back as the vaccination rate increased and the economies began to recover. In Europe, Eurostat data show an increase of over 20 percent in the number of nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments this summer, compared to the same period last year, driven by the increase in confidence indicators in the European economy. In Romania, the growth exceeded 50 percent during the mentioned period. Regarding the safety measures taken by the European authorities, 65 percent of Europeans agree that the EU Digital COVID-19 Certificate is the safest means for free travel in Europe during the pandemic, according to the latest Eurobarometer. In Romania, the share is 56 percent,” said Raluca Baldea, Tax Partner, Deloitte Romania, and Retail and Consumer Goods Industry Leader.
For those not travelling, the pandemic is the main reason why, followed by financial concerns. The vaccination status of children also influences holiday plans of many people, 10 percent of those younger than 55 listing it as a reason to stay home, and one in seven, as a reason not to stay in paid lodging.
Attitude towards travelling also varies depending on age. People aged 55 and more show more caution than younger ones, as fewer of them travel at all, and their trips are shorter.
Winter holidays are times to reconnect with the loved ones, so 60 percent of participants intend to take trips involving a stay with friends or family, and 54 percent will choose to stay at a hotel or private rental. Those who are open to stay in hotels are motivated by brand trust, expectations of enhanced safety measures, and the available offers.
The Deloitte 2021 Holiday Travel Survey was conducted based on the responses provided by over 6,500 participants in the US.