“We will continue the process of expanding the local portfolio throughout 2022”

In 2021, CTP strengthened its position as leader on the Romanian industrial market by expanding to other cities (Brasov, Craiova and Oradea).
“We have reached the target of 2 million sqm of industrial and logistic spaces through new acquisitions – practically, 70 percent of the newly purchased spaces at group level are in Romania, proving the Romanian market potential for industrial and logistics projects,” Ana Dumitrache, Country Head CTP Romania, told The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“The most important objective of CTP Group is to reach the target of a 10 million sqm portfolio by the end of 2022, one year before what we had initially planned. Consequently, we intend to contribute to the achievement of this objective, and we will continue the process of expanding the local portfolio throughout 2022.”
“In 2021, we have strengthened our position as a market leader on the industrial market, and we increased the gap with other competitors. We’ve also grown our team with 25% and we’re still recruiting. We have expanded to other 3 cities in Romania (Brasov, Craiova and Oradea), and our new acquisitions have made Timisoara the second strategic center on the CTP map, after Bucharest.
We have reached the target of 2 million sqm of industrial and logistic spaces through new acquisitions – practically, 70 percent of the newly purchased spaces at group level are in Romania, proving the Romanian market potential for industrial and logistics projects.
The unique project in Oradea, the construction of the airport freight terminal, the implementation of the Clubhaus multifunctional project in CTPark Bucharest West, but also the most important and bold public infrastructure project from private investments, the bridge over the A1 Highway at km 23, shows that CTP’s expertise is not limited to industrial and logistical spaces, but is also successfully expanding to complex and very diverse projects.
As always, we have improved the quality of life in our parks and in their vicinity, to make our growth sustainable. The quality of life in our parks is the best you can find in Romania and this reflects in the quality of work life for the employees of our tenants.”
We have achieved the goal we have set for this year, so that now our portfolio in Romania has reached 2 million sqm.
Another important event for CTP Romania was the delivery, in the first nine months of 2021, of a monoblock building with a record area of 85,000 sqm, which was handed over on time and in the budget to Quehenberger Logistics, which operates the logistics activity of Brico Depot Romania through Kingfisher.
And we managed to deliver on time absolutely all the projects we had to deliver in 2021, without any interruptions and according to the customers’ expectations.
The deep adoption of e-commerce was one of our business opportunities this year, because we had the ability to offer our customers solutions tailored specifically to the e-commerce business. As a result, our customers have expanded their presence in the CTP parks, and some of them have even doubled their areas.“
What challenges have you faced as a CEO/ leader during 2021?
“Undoubtedly, the crisis of building materials and the related increase in prices, distant delivery times and interruptions in the delivery chain. However, we have the great advantage of working with loyal and trustworthy partners, in addition to our position as an important player in all the countries where CTP Group is present, which allows us to keep things within a bearable limit.
At the moment, all the projects that we have in progress are moving forward according to their established schedules.
The most important objective of CTP Group is to reach the target of a 10 million sqm portfolio by the end of 2022, one year before what we had initially planned. Consequently, we intend to contribute to the achievement of this objective, and we will continue the process of expanding the local portfolio throughout 2022.
This will bring with it the expansion of CTP Romania in new cities, but we also intend to approach projects as diverse as possible, whether we are talking about logistics – for example, we will expand CTPark North Bucharest through a new investment, with different types of buildings and flexible spaces, starting from 500 sqm. – or about more complex ones, such as the terminal cargo project from Oradea or the construction of new multifunctional centers of Clubhaus type in new cities.”
“CTP is widely recognized as a frontrunner on developing, owning, and managing its assets to the highest sustainability standards in the sector in Europe. By 31 March 2021, the proportion of BREEAM certified properties (either In-Use or for New Build, “Very Good” or better) as part of CTP’s total portfolio of income producing properties, reached effectively 100%.
Another big accomplishment – all our operations are carbon neutral at the end of 2021.
As the local leader in the field, with sustainable development embedded in our approach, it is really important for CTP Romania to ensure that we are looking at ways to minimize the environmental impact of our schemes, both within the site and more widely in the surrounding region. Also, we collaborate with end users to ensure that we are delivering solutions that can deliver long term investment value across the lifecycle of the development.
Sustainability became a subject within the last two years, and it was a joy that at least in our case it comes in a package with cost reductions – there are more and more clients asking us about renewable energy (that we are working on, by the way), about green certifications (which we have, all BREEAM very good, excellent and we are even targeting an outstanding for a particular building).”
“Team, Expansion, Market leader.”
“Reliable partner who delivers premium industrial and logistics parks in time and on budget. 2 million sqm in 14 Romanian cities and full speed for growing.”