Temporary protection mechanism activated for Ukrainian nationals

Opinion article by Raluca Bontas, Partner, and Mihaela Vechiu, Manager, Global Employer Services, Deloitte Romania
The European Commission decided on Thursday, March 3, 2022, to introduce the temporary protection for the Ukrainian nationals. During the official press conference following the EC decision, on Friday, March 4, the representatives of the Romanian authorities confirmed that the mechanism will be applicable in Romania for those Ukrainian nationals who decide to remain in our country.
Under the temporary protection mechanism, the following simplified process will most likely apply: the written/oral request of Ukrainian nationals to the Romanian authorities for protection (as Border Police, General Immigration Inspectorate); the decision of the Romanian authorities regarding the protection form, issuance of an official document enabling the stay in Romania (residency permit).
Ukrainian nationals obtain several rights immediately after submitting the request, before the decision is issued by the authorities (e.g., medical care, accommodation in special centers, access to legal and translation services). Once the temporary protection is approved, Ukrainian nationals are entitled, but not limited to: free access to the Romanian labor market (with all rights associated to the employee status), access to the public health care system, access to education in the public system, social aid in the absence of other means of financial support.
In this context, it is expected from the Romanian authorities to implement more such provisions in the coming period as the business organizations, NGOs, volunteers, and all other relevant stakeholders are working relentlessly on several streams to ensure we properly welcome and integrate our neighbors during these difficult times for them.