Horia Constantinescu, ANPC: “We need to show consumers how to reduce their energy bills”

“We need to educate consumers and show them that we can save money and reduce the cost of the energy bill,” Horia Constantinescu, president of the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) said during the annual conference organized by AFEER Romania.
“In the discussions with suppliers and AFEER members, I understood that we need to address consumers, including from the perspective of how they read an invoice. From the perspective of an average, rural consumer with no training in the field, things seem complicated.
We have launched this invitation for a working group to economic agents who have a relationship with consumers so that in addition to invoices we can send another way of drawing up contracts, many elements seem complicated for consumers who often turn to our authority. Things can be put in a way that everyone can understand.
There have been theses in the market about the incorrect behaviour of suppliers, there has been talk of abusive clauses and unfair commercial practices. No one intends to impose sanctions or take measures other than to align the market and turn it into something easy to understand. It is clear that we are not dealing with a predictable market, there are situations that change the rules of the game and at least for the simple ones to be understood, a formula must be found to make them available to the consumer, whether we are reading the contract or an invoice.“