13 companies and organizations have nominated their candidates for the FEL Awards Gala 2021 – 28 young people and teams of young people are nominated

Future Energy Leaders (FEL) Romania, the youth program of the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (CNR-CME), celebrates 10 years of activity and organizes the largest leadership conference in Romania for young people in energy.
Together with outstanding personalities, representatives of national structures and decision-makers in the energy industry, FEL focuses on young people, both through the contribution they have and can bring to the energy sector, debating ways to create skills and competencies, and through identifying opportunities for the younger generation.
Special guests as speakers are:
- Iulian IANCU – President, CNR-CME;
- Alexandra BOCȘE – State Adviser on Climate and Sustainability at Presidential Administration of Romania;
- Dan DRĂGAN – Adviser to the Minister, Ministry of Energy;
- Anca DRAGU – President, Commission for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities, Cults and Minorities, Romanian Senate, Romanian Parliament;
- Istvan Lorant ANTAL – President, Commission for Energy, Romanian Senate, Romanian Parliament;
- Sandor BENDE – President, Committee for Industries and Services, Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of Romania;
- Silvia VLĂSCEANU – Executive Director, HENRO – Electricity Producers Association;
- Cătălin NIȚĂ, Executive Director, FPPG – Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation.
FEL Awards Gala 2021 is a source of motivation and inspiration for young people in energy by recognizing their merits and efforts. At the same time, organizations and companies that invest in the younger generation and that appreciate the involvement of employees in fulfilling the mission of the organizations will be promoted.
In order to select the winners, the juries – experts, personalities and decision-makers from the energy and state sector, examined each of the nominations submitted on the basis of the following fundamental principles: Impact, Success, Involvement, Innovation.
The members of the FEL Awards Gala 2021 jury are:
- Ștefan GHEORGHE, Executive Director at CNR-CME;
- Niculae HAVRILEȚ, Vicepresident Governmental and Institutional Affairs – Romanian Energy Center;
- Zoltan NAGY – BEGE, Vice-President, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE);
- Horia NECULA, Vice-Rector, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB);
- Daniela DĂRĂBAN, Executive Director, Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies (ACUE);
- Dumitru CHISĂLIȚĂ, President, Intelligent Energy Association (AEI);
- Lucian TOMA, Vice Dean – Energy Engineering Faculty.
FEL Awards Gala 2021 prepares 10 categories of awards, through which the impact results of the young generation will be promoted, as follows:
Leadership; The young professional of the year; Innovation; Digitization; Energy efficiency; | Sustainable financing; Energy entrepreneurship; CSR; Customer experience program; Development programs. |
As young people are the stars of the evening, we dedicate a panel to the young generation in the energy sector, called Youth Energy Forum, with the theme – “How the company / organization prepares the new generation to play a central role in a greener, decentralized energy world and digitization ”. Ways to create skills and competencies will be discussed, as well as what are the opportunities for those at the beginning of the road, along with top young people in the energy industry:
- Cosmin GHIȚĂ – Director, Digitalization & Innovation, Distribuție Oltenia;
- Mihai MARCOLȚ – Head of Research&Innovation Office, CNTEE Transelectrica;
- Vlăduț IORDAN – Health and Safety Engineer, SN Nuclearelectrica;
- Rareș HURGHIȘ – Strategy Expert, ENGIE România;
- Ancuța Maria CÎRSTEA – Head of EU Funding, E.ON;
- Cristian IONESCU – Head of Advisory, Ciga Energy;
- Cătălin LĂZĂROIU – Power Aquisition Expert, MET România Energy.
Mrs. Elena RATCU, Co-founding Member of FEL Romania and Adviser of CNR-CME, will coordinate the Alumni Talks panel consisting of former members of FEL Romania, who have made possible the existence of the organization so far. They will share how the organization has helped them in their personal and professional development.
FEL Awards Gala 2021 will take place on March 30, 2022, starting at 5 p.m., at Le Château – Castelul din Inima Bucureștiului and will be broadcast live on the pages of Future Energy Leaders Romania on social networks and on https://felromania.org/fel-gala-2021/
For more information, please visit the event page on the FEL Romania website, which is constantly updated with the latest details, here: https://felromania.org/fel-gala-2021/
Communication and Media Department
FEL România
About Future Energy Leaders Romania
Future Energy Leaders Romania (FEL Romania) is the youth program of the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (CNR-CME) and is part of the global network of Future Energy Leaders, developed by the World Energy Council.
FEL Romania is a network of young professionals who debate ideas and develop projects. Among the objectives of the program are the professionalization of young people in energy and the development of skills necessary for the 4th industrial revolution, increasing the degree of employability and the greater presence of young people in decision-making positions. FEL Romania also aims to be a platform for communication and cooperation between the new generation and the current energy elite, cooperation that we consider vital for a good development of the energy sector and the way it interacts with other fields. FEL Romania aims to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy and reduce the negative impact that energy has on the environment.