AmCham Romania announces new board of directors for 2022-2023 mandate

Following the AmCham Romania Annual General Meeting of Members (AGM) on March 23, 2022, the Board of Directors of the organization for the March 2022 – March 2023 mandate will have the following structure:
President: Ionuț Simion, Partner, Clients & Markets Leader – PwC Romania.
Vice-Presidents: Cristian Sporiș, Vice-President, Head of Corporate Banking – Raiffeisen Bank Romania; Ionuț Sas, VP of Tax, Payroll and Equity – UiPath; Treasurer: Alex Milcev, Tax & Law Leader Romania, Partner – EY Romania.
Members at large: Mihaela Nădășan, Deputy CEO – Banca Transilvania; Jovan Radosavljevic, General Manager, – Coca-Cola HBC; Alexandru Reff, Country Managing Partner – Deloitte Romania; Andrei Alexandru Andreescu, CFO/ Managing Director – IBM Romania ; Ciprian Lăduncă, Managing Partner – LCL Advisory; Alina Orban, – Microsoft Romania; Mihaela Stancu – General Counsel, Legal & Government Relations for P&G SEE, Procter & Gamble Romania; Roberto Musneci, Co-Founder & Senior Partner – Șerban & Musneci Associates; Achilleas Kanaris, President & CEO – Vodafone Romania.
On the start of a new mandate, Ionuț Simion, reconfirmed AmCham President, said: „The war in the neighboring country, that nobody anticipated one year ago, reminds us that peace and freedom have a price that all of us should be willing to pay. We expect an impact on Romania’s economy, therefore AmCham Romania will seek to contribute at all levels to maintain an attractive investment climate and to position Romania as a major player in the region. We will support efforts to prevent the risks posed by the current conflict, as well as the management of pre-existing crises – energy prices, raw materials, accelerated inflation, to which the effort to receive and support Ukrainian refugees has been added. The Russian-Ukrainian war has brought Romania into the spotlight, and once again we can prove that we are a reliable partner not only in defense, but also in economic cooperation and investment. Our hope is that businesses that withdraw from the east, but want to stay in the area, will find a safe, stable, and competitive environment in Romania.”
Regarding Romania’s priorities, which AmCham will continue to pursue and support, Vice President Cristian Sporiș pointed out: “Let’s not forget that Romania has a clear reform agenda set out via PNRR and a to do list for OECD accession. Such reforms and priority objectives, have not disappeared, but, on the contrary, some of them have become even more urgent, whether we are talking about the transition to green energy, agriculture, digital transformation, or investment in infrastructure. “
“The events in Romania’s proximity reset the appetite for investments in the area, and it is vital that Romania has an articulated offer to attract strategic, added value investments, which will contribute to the consolidation of the Romanian economy. Measures to attract investment must be complemented with creating an education system based on new global skills, to form a relevant human capital for the digital economy, to retain specialists and to integrate foreign talent into the Romanian labor market. pointed out Ionuț Sas, AmCham Vice President.
“We are grateful to all AmCham members that promptly responded to calls for support from Ukrainian neighbors who took refuge in our country or from those who remained in Ukraine. AmCham appreciates the efforts of the business community to facilitate the integration of Ukrainian workers in the Romanian labor market and the access of children to a form of education”, concluded AmCham President Ionuț Simion.