ARB: 2,700 students competed in the national final of the European Money Quiz financial education competition

Over 2,700 students aged 13-15 from over 180 schools, high schools and colleges nationwide participated in the 4th edition of the national final of the European Money Quiz organized by the Romanian Association of Banks (ARB) in partnership with the National Bank of Romania (BNR), the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), the Ministry of Finance and the Romanian Banking Institute. The number of students participating in the national financial education competition has increased by 65 percent compared to last year’s edition. About 75 percent of the students gave correct answers to at least 10 questions out of the total of 15 financial education questions in the contest.
The European Money Quiz, part of the European Money Week competition launched at the level of the European Banking Federation and organized between March 21-27, 2022 and under the Global Money Week brand, aims to test financial education knowledge among students aged 13-15.
Six students from “Spiru Haret” National College Bucharest, “Octavian Goga” National College Sibiu, Laude-Reut Educational Complex Bucharest and “Liviu Rebreanu” High School Cluj Napoca were the winners of the two sessions organized this year in the European Money national competition Quiz, giving the most correct answers in the shortest time.
During each session, the first place winner receives a net prize of 3,000 RON, the second place winner receives 2,000 RON and the third place winner receives a prize of 1,000 RON. The two winning students in the two sessions at the “Spiru Haret” National College in Bucharest and the “Octavian Goga” National College in Sibiu will represent Romania at the European final of the European Money Quiz financial education competition, which takes place online on May 10 2022. The winners will receive the title of European money champions in 2022 and cash prizes.