Nuclearelectrica launches CSR platform “Nucleus of Care” to promote clean energy

Nuclearelectrica launches the social responsibility platform “Nucleus of care”, which follows the strategic directions and the company’s vision to build a sustainable future for the next generation, both by producing clean energy at excellent standards and by the socio-economic impact it has in Romania.
Nuclearelectrica, the only producer of nuclear energy in Romania, has a major role at national level, contributing approx. 20 percent of the nuclear energy to the total energy production by operating the two CANDU units, Units 1 and 2 of the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant, each with an installed power of 700 MW. At the same time, the nuclear energy, being a clean source of energy (without CO2 emissions), Nuclearelectrica contributes 33 percent to the total production of energy without CO2 emissions in Romania and thus avoids the release of approx. 10 thousand tons of CO2 per year.
With 207 million MWh of clean energy produced in 25 years, 195 million tons of CO2 avoided in 25 years, 30 million lei invested in CSR projects in the last 3 years, and over 11 million people supported by social responsibility campaigns, Nuclearelectrica expands its positive impact in society, respecting the strategic direction – “empathy and responsibility”.
The “Nucleus of Care” platform will include both the social responsibility initiatives carried out by the company, as well as the projects that the company will select to sponsor, within the selection of “Nucleus of care” projects, launched on this occasion.
In order to offer the possibility to a large number of beneficiaries to register, the sponsorship campaign will take place in 2 stages, the first stage taking place between April 21 – May 22, 2022, and the second stage taking place in July 17 – August 20, 2022.
“Romania needs a Nucleus of care. We are committed to contributing to the energy security of our country by delivering clean, stable, sustainable and affordable energy. Since the commissioning of Units 1 and 2 of Cernavoda NPP, we have produced 207 million MWh of clean energy and we have avoided the release of 195 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Thus, we have an essential role both in ensuring the energy security and in achieving the decarbonization targets. The Nucleus of Care platform continues our mission to generate clean energy at standards of excellence, in terms of social responsibility, to build a sustainable future for tomorrow’s generation,” said Cosmin Ghita, Chief Executive Officer, Nuclearelectrica.
Non-profit organizations and institutions can register for the project competition, in accordance with the applicable legislation and the rules for participation and sponsorship, which can be found on the company’s website.
For the first stage of the “Nucleus of Care” project selection, the registration period is April 21, 2022 – May 22, 2022.
The “Nucleus of Care” platform targets projects and beneficiaries whose financing needs fall into the medical, educational and environmental fields, with priority given to the projects in the areas where the company operates. The projects registered according to the forms provided by the campaign rules will be selected and approved according to the beneficial impact they can bring in high risk areas or within risk groups, in order to solve major social problems.
- For education, the Nucleus of Care platform aims at projects that contribute to the creation or development of the educational environment through specific actions of renovation and endowment of schools, both with specialized laboratories (physics, chemistry, computer science, robotics, etc.) and from the perspective of online education that requires the possession of tablets, laptops and other equipment for laboratories and rooms equipped appropriately and modernly for online education, which the disadvantaged groups of the public cannot afford; also, educational projects for mentoring, career development, access to quality education, scholarships, etc. will be supported.
- For the medical field, the Nucleus of care platform aims at projects that increase access to high-performance and quality medical services through providing medical equipment, services, actions or other activities related to this field. In this sense, both Romanian hospitals and associations and organizations that manage and implement such projects for the benefit of medical institutions can register projects.
- For the protection of the environment, given that Nuclearelectrica is a producer of clean energy, without greenhouse gas emissions, the Nucleus of care platform targets environmental projects that can emphasize the essential role that the company has in managing climate change through forestation / reforestation actions to create green spaces in the communities where Nuclearelectrica operates, actions to support environmental / mountain organizations, etc.
“”Nuclearelectrica is already a Nucleus of Excellence through its role in the sustainable development of Romania’s nuclear program, through the team working to the highest standards of professional excellence, nuclear safety and security, through the major investment projects it carries out which will significantly increase the company’s positive impact, through its employee care, environmental responsibility and empathy for communities in need of support. The Nucleus of Care platform will be the interface through which we can expand our nucleus of excellence to do good and support an even greater number of projects and communities that need support,” said Ludmila Tones, Nuclearelectrica’s Director of Communication and Public Relations.
In the period 2019-2021, Nuclearelectrica sponsored 107 projects, with approx. 30 million lei in total, supporting approx. 11 million Romanians. The sponsored projects targeted the educational, medical and environmental protection field: 25 projects in the medical field, 33 projects in the educational field, 5 environmental projects and 28 projects for various other fields.
The value of the sponsorship budget for the first stage of the „Nucleus of Care” project is 2 million lei and will be allocated to the projects selected following the pre-selection procedure, based on the rules for participation and evaluation of sponsorship of Nuclearelectrica.
Who can apply
- For the first stage of the “Nucleus of care” projects selection, the registration period is April 21, 2022 – May 22, 2022 and the participation rules can be found on the company’s website. Project proposals can be sent to the following e-mail address:
- Non-profit organizations and institutions can register for the project competition, in accordance with the applicable legislation and the participation rules which can be found on the company’s website.
- Only projects from medical, educational and environmental fields are eligible, with priority given to the projects in the areas where the company operates.
- Only projects that have clearly described objectives and target public, with measurable and time-defined data, as well as indicators for evaluating and measuring the impact in the community are eligible.
- Projects must be carried out on the Romanian territory between June 2022 and december 2022.
- Projects will be evaluated and selected by the Commitee for the Evaluation of Nuclearelectrica’s Sponsorship Applications.
- The evaluation and selection of projects will be carried out based on the participation and sponsoriship award rules available on the website
- The results of the selection procedure will be published on June 7, 2022 on the company’s website.