Orange Romania recorded a turnover of 384 million euros in the first quarter

Between January and March, the Orange Romania Group achieved a consolidated turnover of 384 million euros. The market dynamics in Q1 2022 is reflected by the increase in equipment sales, despite the unfavourable global context caused by the lack of stocks, but also by the decrease in revenues from services, caused by the decrease in completion rates.
As of March 31, 2022, the Orange Romania Group offered mobile services to 10.5 million customers, fixed broadband services to 1.32 million customers, and cable and satellite television services to 1.5 million customers.
For Orange in Romania, the first quarter was marked by the completion of the Orange Romania Communications transition to the Orange brand and the launch of the first joint offer of fixed-mobile services for all Orange and Orange Romania Communications customers. The two companies continue to operate as two separate legal entities.
“Intense can be the word that best describes these first 3 months of 2022, a quarter in which our efforts were directed even more strongly to customers, in a real operational tornado caused by the difficult socio-economic context and the political crisis -military and humanitarian given by the war in Ukraine. One such effort was the continuity of communication with Ukraine, amid our concern to keep people close, connected, and Orange’s responsibility to society. As soon as possible, we mobilized and came to the aid of all those affected by the crisis in Ukraine with urgent solutions to help them communicate easily with those close to them and to have quick access to information, thus demonstrating our solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
Despite the challenges, our results are positive and confirm that Orange products and services have the highest level of quality. The two big milestones for us, the change of the name of the operator Telekom Romania Communications in Orange Romania Communications and the completion of its transition to the Orange brand, crowned by the first common offer of fixed-mobile services for all Orange customers, were doubled by other important achievements. These include providing access to connectivity to new customers, Orange Business Services leveraging the dynamism of the IT&C area, as well as the interactivity and accessibility of digital services, a segment much appreciated by users.
Congratulations again to the great Orange team who showed us in these difficult times that they have huge resources of efficiency and empathy, consolidating Orange’s position and name on the local telecommunications market,” said Liudmila Climoc, CEO of Orange Romania.