OTP Bank Romania launches program to support entrepreneurs and local production

OTP Bank Romania joins the IMM Prod Program, implemented by the National Credit Guarantee Fund for SMEs (FNGCIMM), thus actively supporting the industrialization of the economy by ensuring liquidities and financing investments made by small and medium-sized enterprises, including start-ups, in the urban area.
The eligible SMEs can therefore obtain state guarantees of up to 90 percent of the amount of funding required to finance working capital and investments for: encouraging local production of consumer goods; reconversion from intermediation to production; digitizing the business or improving the environmental standards, including improving energy efficiency within the production processes.
“I am glad that entrepreneurs can make use of a diverse range of programs developed both internally and by the state, through the Guarantee Funds, adapted to their needs. It is clear proof that we understand the undeniable contribution of SMEs to the Romanian society. In regard to the IMM Prod Program, I believe it can play a key role in the ambitious plan to turn our consumption economy into a production one. Given our experience in the IMM Invest Program and the AGRO IMM INVEST sub-program, I am convinced that we will demonstrate this time again that we are partners that positively exceed expectations”, stated Roxana Hidan, Deputy CEO, Coordinator of the Business Division, OTP Bank Romania.
In addition to state guarantees of up to 90 percent of the amount of loans granted, under the IMM Prod Program, clients benefit from advantages such as: state aid that fully covers the value of the risk and management fee for the entire validity period of the guarantee, subsidized interest for a maximum period of 24 months, under the conditions provided by the specific legislation, as well as a non-refundable component up to a maximum of 10 percent of the guaranteed financing value. Those interested can access loans of maximum 10 million lei for investment projects, respectively 5 million lei for working capital, at an advantageous cost, for a wide range of eligible expenses.