Catalin Nita, FPPG: “We hope that BSOG will announce gas production start in the Black Sea in a few weeks”

“The biggest challenge for gas producers is the famous offshore law, passed by the Senate. It is the fastest journey we have seen in the case of a legislative project, which makes us happy. For 4 years we have been supporting the principles that should exist in a form of law applicable to investments in the Black Sea.
There are voices saying that the bill still needs to be improved, and other voices say it is very good. FPPG believes that any law can be improved because there are many things that happen in real life that most of the time the legislator does not know or does not take into account,” Catalin Nita, Executive Director, FPPG said during Energy CEO Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“It is very important for a federation like FPPG to come and express its views on such legislative proposals targeting the gas sector. There are still minor changes that have been made in the Senate to improve the law. We have some amendments that we will send regarding the final form of the law.
The fiscality of this law has been improved compared to the previous version, but there are still things that can be improved. The state sought all possible ways to increase its gas production as quickly as possible, so as to reduce the waiting period until the start of production in all perimeters discovered in the Black Sea. Black Sea Oil and Gas will announce the start of production soon, we hope in the coming weeks.
We are facing a lot of outdated laws that the Romanian state is trying to make functional in a short time. Unfortunately, the geopolitical context does not allow us to all sit down and discuss the rebuilding of the national energy system. We appreciate that we have a dialogue with the authorities and that things are moving in the right direction.”
Full recording of the event: