Policolor – Orgachim Group reports 79 million Euro turnover, up by 24 percent in 2021

Policolor – Orgachim Group, with activities in the field of production and sale of varnishes, paints, resins and specialty chemicals, both in Romania, Bulgaria and other markets in Europe and Asia, reports a 79 million Euro turnover in 2021, representing an increase of 24 percent compared to the previous year.
Last year, the Group’s best-selling products were water-based paints and plasters and paints for metal, as well as resins (used in the chemical industry). In 2022, the Group aims for a 13.5 percent increase in sales and a turnover of up to 90 million euros, on grounds of an effervescent real estate and construction market. This will continue to drive increased demand – especially on the segment of water-based paints and decorative plasters, which represent over 80 percent of the total market.
In 2021, the Policolor – Orgachim Group started an accelerated organizational transformation process, which will be completed, according to internal estimates, at the end of 2022. The group is operating changes at multiple levels: processes and operational management, divisions, organizational culture, including the growth and efficiency of its production capacities, digitalization and rethinking of the retail strategy on the e-commerce segment, in line with the latest market evolutions and trends. The process is coordinated by Arthur Hunt Romania, which provides human resources and organizational culture assistance and ONV LAW, providing the necessary legal assistance throughout the project.
“The transformation process will continue until the end of 2022, when we will be able to completely assess our results. The transformation engages all company departments, as well as the entire management team and involves an evaluation and a change in the way the company operates in the market. The results registered so far have involved a consistent effort, both internally and from our external consultants. From the HR perspective, Arthur Hunt Romania team coordinated and supported our efforts and ONV LAW supported us in all legal steps related to the transformation,” Irina Mandoiu, CEO Policolor – Orgachim, states.
Policolor – Orgachim Group is active in the production and sale of varnishes and paints (architectural, automotive and industrial), resins and specialty chemicals. The Romanian company Policolor S.A. and its Bulgarian subsidiary – Orgachim AD, produce and sell paints especially in Romania and Bulgaria. The group also includes Orgachim Resins, a resin producer and Ruse Chemicals, anhydride manufacturer, with markets in Central and Southeast Europe, but also in Asia. At the moment, the group is market leader in Bulgaria, with a share of over 40 percent according to internal estimates. In Romania, it holds approximately 10 percent of the market, in a highly competitive local environment context.