40 percent of Romanian employees want to ask for a raise and 16 percent want to change jobs in the next year: PwC

The global Great Resignation phenomenon will continue next year with even more pressure on wage growth. Of employees in Romania, 40 percent plan to ask for a pay rise in the next year and 16 percent want to change employers, according to the results for Romania of the PwC global Workforce Hopes and Fears survey launched on 24 May at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos. In comparison, globally, more employees (19 percent) want to change employers and 35 percent want to ask for a pay rise in the next 12 months.
According to the survey, only 13 percent of Romanian employees strongly agree that they are paid fairly and 26 percent moderately agree. The percentages are similar to the global figures of 19 percent and 23 percent, respectively. A quarter of Romanian employees and the same proportion globally also strongly agree that their current job fulfils them personally.
“Employee trust and attachment to employers has deteriorated over the past two years during a pandemic and related restrictions that reduced direct, personal interactions to zero for a significant period. In Romania, only one in five employees are currently very satisfied (21 percent) with their current job, while globally 28 percent of respondents feel this way. Of course, financial rewards remain the most important when employees are asked what their main motivations are. However, personal fulfilment through work is mentioned just behind salary, so we believe that the dramatic changes of the last two years have had an impact on the whole way of working to diminish engagement and job satisfaction. Health and social uncertainty, and more recently economic challenges, especially inflation and war, have increased anxiety and burnout”, said Dinu Bumbacea, Country Managing Partner, PwC Romania.
Thus, receiving a fair wage is the main reason for changing jobs for 78 percent of Romanian employees and 72 percent of global employees. The next most important reasons are the desire to have a job where they can truly be themselves, as mentioned by 76 percent of Romanian respondents, and a fulfilling job, as reported by 71 percent.
Employees think employers are not investing enough in technology and upskilling
When asked what worries them most when they think about the impact of technology on their current workplace in the next three years, almost 40 percent of Romanian employees responded that employers do not invest in innovative technologies, and 35 percent indicated a lack of opportunity to work with / learn from colleagues with technical/digital skills. In comparison, 36.8 percent of respondents globally indicated that the organisations they work for do not invest in new technologies, and 40 percent mentioned the lack of opportunity to learn from skilled colleagues.
In this context, almost a third of Romanian employees believe that employers do not teach them the technical/digital skills relevant to the workforce of the future.
The Workforce Hopes and Fears survey was conducted by PwC among more than 52,000 employees in 44 countries. In Romania, the sample included over 520 respondents.