Clean Recycle estimates turnover of 3.8 million Euro for first half of 2022

Clean Recycle, one of the largest players on the local packaging waste transfer of responsibility market (OIREP), estimates 3.8 million Euro turnover and 56.000 tons of packaging waste processed in H1, 2022. The company estimates 10 million Euro turnover by year-end and a total of over 170,000 tons of processed packaging for the major waste generators on the market.
Last year, the company ensured the transfer of responsibility (collection, recycling, reporting) of 160.000 tons of packaging waste on the Romanian market, especially from FMCG and retail companies. Clean Recycle ensures the responsibility transfer for over 700 companies, which generate more than 160.000 tons of glass, PET, paper, cardboard and other on the market.
“The Guarantee – Return System (SGR), through which each of us should be able to return a bottle or a dose of aluminum to a nearby store, is a great uncertainty. The entire OIREP market (responsibility transfer operators) was preparing for the implementation of the system on October 1st, 2022 and now it is not clear whether it will be possible to implement it even from 2023. We operate on a market where normative acts are not correlated, in which the legislation and an insufficiently well-developed system could destroy the entire recycling system – already fragile in Romania”, says Cosmin Monda, founder and CEO, Clean Recycle.
According to the European Commission, Romania must reduce the amount of municipal waste stored by up to 10 percent until 2035 – but currently, Romanians store 70 percent of the waste they produce, compared to the European average of 24 percent. On the other hand, the total volume of packaging is increasing*, mainly due to the increase in the general consumption of the population – especially in the segment of glass and plastic packaging waste.
Clean Recycle is one of the top 5 players in the local packaging waste transfer of responsibility (OIREP) market. The company manages a portfolio of over 700 companies that produce and market packaging waste, active throughout Romania, in areas such as FMCG and retail, agribusiness, automotive, distribution, industrial production, pharmaceuticals, etc.