Mihaela Croitoru, INNOVA Project Consulting: “Companies have begun to perceive sustainability not as a cost but as an investment”

“Sustainability has become increasingly important. We see a multitude of normative acts that increasingly regulate sustainability. There is a growing concern of companies on this issue. We have noticed a greater involvement of companies even if sustainability is not cheap. Companies have begun to perceive sustainability not as a cost but as an investment.
Here is the great gain of our society when the private sector understands that sustainability is an opportunity for growth and development,” Mihaela Croitoru, Managing Partner and Sustainability Consultant, INNOVA Project Consulting said during Sustainability Forum 2022 organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“One of the reasons behind the European Commission’s decision to amend this reporting directive is the quality of the information. On the one hand, at European level, companies did not report exactly what the main stakeholders expected. On the other hand, in the context of this multitude of reporting methodologies and standards, it was impossible for investors to make a comparison between several companies operating in the same field.
Another shortcoming is the lack of information on climate change. There are not many companies that publish their perceptions of climate change, how they are preparing to do climate change, how their business models are influenced by these changes and especially what measures they are taking to not contribute significantly. to these climate changes.
We know that this year the European Commission has adopted the project which includes in the field of environmental taxonomy on sustainable financing a series of economic activities on nuclear energy and natural gas.
The nuclear field includes activities aimed at the development of advanced technologies, the construction and operation of new nuclear power plants and the refurbishment of existing ones, while the field of natural gas includes activities aimed at generating electricity based on natural gas, high cogeneration. efficient and heat generation or cooling in an efficient system.”
Full recording of the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5TZ1M3tQnY