EximBank, the biggest asset growth in Top 10 banks

With a 25 percent increase in assets in 2021 compared to 2020, up to 14.7 billion RON, EximBank marks the most significant evolution compared to the other financial institutions in the Top 10 banks on the market, according to an analysis conducted by Ziarul Financiar.
“In the case of EximBank, another Romanian state-owned bank, which produced a surprise in 2020, rising to 10th place in the top of the largest banks by assets, from 12th place in 2019, the rise of assets continued in 2021,” according to ZF analysis.

The publication notes that the Top 10 largest banks in Romania in 2021 highlights a strong rise in the assets of Romanian banks, amid credit lending, Banca Transilvania, CEC Bank and EximBank registering the largest annual asset increases of over 20 percent.
“Regarding the Romanian banks with foreign capital from the top 10, there are mainly annual increases in assets of around 10 percent in 2021 compared to 2020, about half compared to the asset growth of Banca Transilvania, CEC Bank or EximBank,” ZF notes.